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We have some of the best Indiana private investigation firms listed in our directory, offering a range of private detective services covering: Matrimonial, Divorce, Infidelity, Cheating Partners, Child Custody, Missing Persons, Accident Investigations, Background Checks, Asset / Property Searches, Fraud, Theft, Corporate Investigations, Witness Interviews, Process Serving, Surveillance and more...
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a private investigator cost in Indiana?
Based on the average of 8 local companies we checked with, a private investigator in Indiana will cost you around $88.00 per hour. It also depends on the service you require and whether it is a fixed or hourly based fee but do expect to pay this average hourly price.
- LEARN MORE: Prices to Hire a Private Investigator.
Do private investigators need a license in Indiana?
Yes. Private detectives and investigators in Indiana are required to possess a valid license. PI licensing is managed by the state's Private Investigator and Security Guard Board.
Can I get a background check in Indiana by a private investigator?
Yes. Private investigation firms provide very detailed Indiana background checks that give thorough data on individuals or companies. Background screening services by Indiana detective agencies include going over civil and criminal State records, confirming employment history, educational qualifications, professional licenses, looking into credit and financial records, court judgments, social media, and more. If you want to check someone's background, contact one of our listed Indiana private detectives.
- LEARN MORE: Private Investigator Background Checks.
Can a private detective find someone in Indiana for me?
Yes. Investigators in Indiana spend a lot of their time locating people for various reasons. Using special methods and online databases they are able to find the most elusive missing person such as people owing money. They can also find lost family or old friends, missing children, biological parents, adopted children, witnesses and more. If you want to find someone in Indiana contact a private investigator to help you.
- LEARN MORE: Hire a Private Investigator to Find Someone.
Can a private investigator help with a child custody case in Indiana?
Yes. Investigations involving child custody cases are generally instigated by law firms, using private investigators, but not always. If you are involved in a child custody case in Indiana, it's a wise decision to use the services of a detective agency to help you gather evidence needed for the courts. Also, if you need to prove an estranged partner's earning for child support payments, a private investigator can help. Contact one of our listed Indiana investigation companies.
I think my spouse is cheating. Should I hire a local Indiana private eye?
Yes. If you have a suspicion your partner is being unfaithful, a private detective can help you get proof. Hiring a private investigator in Indiana from your town or city is best as they will know the local area well. Using surveillance techniques they will follow your husband or wife over a period of time and provide any evidence you need, either way. If you want to see if your partner is cheating on you contact a local Indiana detective agency.
- LEARN MORE: Hire a Private Investigator for a Cheating Partner.
Where can I find a local private investigator near me in Indiana?
Most Indiana private detectives are situated in the main cities and towns of Indiana State such as Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Evansville, South Bend, Fishers, Carmel, Bloomington, Hammond, Gary and Lafayette. You can find your local private investigators in these locations. However, the best place to find a private investigator in Indiana is here.
- SEARCH HERE: Local Indiana Private Investigators.
How do I hire a private investigator in Indiana?
First off, you should search for an Indiana private investigation company near you in your home town or city. Next, you should check their website for their services to see if they offer what you need. Then, with a list of questions you want to ask, contact one that you find suitable. And remember to check they are licensed. Start by contacting one of our listed Indiana private investigators.
- LEARN MORE: How to Hire a Private Investigator.
Where can I find more information on hiring a private investigator in IN?
Our in-depth articles cover many topics and questions people have about hiring private investigators. These articles will hopefully answer any additional questions you have, or if not, you can contact one of our listed Indiana private detectives for more information.
- LEARN MORE: Tips for Hiring a PI.
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