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We have some of the best North Dakota private investigator companies listed in our directory, offering a range of private investigation services covering: Fraud, Theft, Matrimonial, Divorce, Infidelity, Cheating Partners, Child Custody, Missing Persons, Accident Investigations, Background Checks, Asset / Property Searches, Corporate Investigations, Witness Interviews, Process Serving, Surveillance and more...
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a private investigator cost in North Dakota?
The fees for a North Dakota private investigator will vary from agency to agency but on average you should expect to pay around $68.00 per hour. This hourly rate is averaged out based on 7 companies we checked across the State.
- LEARN MORE: Cost to Hire a Private Investigator.
Do private investigators need a license in North Dakota?
Yes. All private investigators must hold a license. The North Dakota Private Investigation and Security Board licenses and regulates the private investigation and security industries in the state.
Can I get a North Dakota background check by a private investigator?
Yes. If you need a background check in North Dakota on a person or business, a private investigator will usually offer this as a service. Aside from the usual online databases, the benefit of using an investigation firm for background screening is that they do physical background investigations if needed, such as checking county records and door knocks. Contact one of our listed private investigation firms in North Dakota for their services.
- LEARN MORE: Private Investigator Background Checks.
Can a private investigator help me find someone in North Dakota?
Yes. If you need to find a lost family member, get in touch with an old friend again, or track down an elusive debtor, an investigation company can help. North Dakota private detectives will know the State's laws on obtaining public and semi-public records that help in locating missing people. Message a listed private investigator in North Dakota about their missing person services.
- LEARN MORE: Hire a Private Investigator to Find Someone.
Should I hire a private investigator for a North Dakota child custody case?
Yes. If you are embroiled in a child custody case in North Dakota, a private investigation firm can help you build vitally needed evidence to support your case. A detective agency can assist with child custody, child support and child custody modification cases that can positively impact your case. Contact a local North Dakota detective agency to help you.
Can a North Dakota private detective help me catch my cheating spouse?
Yes. Using special surveillance equipment, a private investigator can follow your partner taking photographs or video footage for evidence of cheating. If you suspect your partner is having an affair in North Dakota you should consider hiring a private investigator to find out for you. Contact a private investigation company in North Dakota for help.
- LEARN MORE: Hiring a Private Investigator for a Cheating Spouse.
Where can I find a local private investigator near me in North Dakota?
The majority of private detective companies are usually situated in the major towns and cities of North Dakota such as Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot, West Fargo, Williston, Mandan, Dickinson, Jamestown and Wahpeton. If you are looking for a nearby private investigator in North Dakota you will generally find them in these local places. You can also find a North Dakota private investigator listed above.
- SEARCH HERE: Local North Dakota Private Investigators.
How do I hire a private investigator in North Dakota?
The best thing you can do is to first make a list of questions you want to ask an investigator; questions about them, their services, and how they can help your case. Next, search the internet and find all the local private investigators in your area. Contact each one and ask the questions on your list to find one you like. You can start with our listed private detectives in North Dakota.
- LEARN MORE: How to Hire a Good Private Investigator.
Where can I find more information on hiring private detectives in ND?
We have detailed articles on our website that answer many different questions and concerns people have about using private detectives. These articles will hopefully furnish you with the answers you need, but if not, message one of our listed licensed North Dakota private investigators for help.
- LEARN MORE: Tips on Hiring a Private Investigator.
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