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We have some of the best Oregon private investigation companies listed in our directory, offering a range of investigation services covering: Fraud, Theft, Matrimonial, Divorce, Infidelity, Cheating Partners, Child Custody, Missing Persons, Accident Investigations, Background Checks, Asset / Property Searches, Corporate Investigations, Witness Interviews, Process Serving, Surveillance and more...
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a private investigator cost in Oregon?
The price of an Oregon private investigator varies but based on our average findings expect the cost to be around $87.00 an hour. This average hourly price is based on the calculations of 12 agencies across the State.
- LEARN MORE: How Much It Costs to Hire a Private Investigator.
Do private investigators need a license in Oregon?
Yes. By state law, private investigators require to be licensed through the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training.
Can I get an Oregon background check by a private investigator?
Yes. Private investigators generally provide background checks in Oregon as one of their many services. They can provide you with a detailed background report on a company, organization or individual. Their background screening services will include the usual data such as criminal records, education, employment and credit records but an investigator will also conduct physical checks where needed. Contact a private investigator in Oregon for more details.
- LEARN MORE: Background Checks by Private Investigators.
Can a private investigator help me find someone in Oregon?
Yes. If you need to locate someone in Oregon State who is missing or has disappeared, a detective agency can help you. Investigators are skilled in missing person investigations and tracking people down, whether they want to be found or not, and are knowledgeable in using public and semi-public records; for locating people. For missing person services contact one of our local private detectives in Oregon.
- LEARN MORE: Hiring a Private Investigator to Locate Someone.
Should I hire a private investigator in Oregon for a child custody case?
Yes. Oregon child custody cases are common for private investigators to get involved with. A private investigation company can give you an advantage in a case for child custody by helping you build vital supportive court evidence. Contact an Oregon private investigation company about your child custody case.
Can an Oregon private investigator help me catch a cheating spouse?
Yes. Using hidden tracking devices and surveillance methods, a private detective can follow your spouse around to either prove or disprove an affair exists. A local private eye will know places a cheating couple will frequent and if your partner is having an affair, the investigator will provide you with photographic evidence. Contact a nearby Oregon private eye to discuss your case in confidence.
- LEARN MORE: Hiring a Private Detective for a Cheating Spouse.
Where can I find a local Oregon private detective near me?
You will find most Oregon private investigation firms operate in the State's main towns and cities such as Portland, Salem, Eugene, Hillsboro, Gresham, Bend, Beaverton, Medford, Springfield and Corvallis. If you are searching for a local private investigator in your area, search these places. You can also find nearby Oregon private investigators here.
- SEARCH HERE: Local Oregon Private Investigators.
How do I hire a private investigator in Oregon?
Write down all the questions you have that you want to ask a private detective; questions about their experience in your case type, their costs and how they can help you. Next, you should check on the internet for your closest private investigators and contact them to compare, asking your questions, to find a company you like. You can start searching here for a licensed private investigator in Oregon.
- LEARN MORE: How to Hire a Private Investigator.
Where can I find more information on hiring private detectives in OR?
We have written many articles that can answer many questions about hiring private investigators and using their services. If you cannot find the answers to your questions then please message an Oregon private investigation firm above for help.
- LEARN MORE: Tips About Hiring Private Investigators.
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