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Tennessee Private Investigator

Find Local Tennessee Private Investigators Near You

We have some of the best Tennessee private investigator agencies listed in our directory, offering a professional investigation service covering: Fraud, Theft, Matrimonial, Divorce, Infidelity, Cheating Partners, Child Custody, Missing Persons, Accident Investigations, Background Checks, Asset / Property Searches, Corporate Investigations, Witness Interviews, Process Serving, Surveillance and more...

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a private investigator cost in Tennessee?

The average hourly fee of a Tennessee private investigator is $74.00 an hour based on the prices of 7 investigation companies in the State. This average hourly rate will be more or less depending on which company you choose to hire and the type of service.

Do private investigators need a license in Tennessee?

Yes. The Private Investigation and Polygraph Commission of the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance regulates licensing for private investigators in the state.

Can I get a Tennessee background check by a private investigator?

Yes. The majority of private detectives and investigators offer background check services. The background investigations of an investigator can be very extensive and dig deep into the background of a person or business; more so than a simple online background check. Get in touch with one of our listed private investigators in Tennessee for more details.

Can a private investigator help me find someone in Tennessee?

Yes. Private investigation companies are often called upon to locate individuals in Tennessee for many reasons. Law firms, organizations and individuals hire the know-how and skills of investigators to track people down, such as witnesses, debtors, lost family and even pets. If you need to find someone, contact a Tennessee private investigator about their missing person services.

Should I hire a Tennessee private investigator for a child custody case?

Yes. Child custody investigation services can benefit a Tennessee child custody case greatly, particularly during divorce. Working closely with you and your lawyers a private investigation firm can build supportive evidence for your case. So if you are seeking custody of a child and going through a child custody battle contact a private investigation company in Tennessee to assist you.

Can a Tennessee private investigator help me catch a cheating spouse?

Yes. Using specialist equipment a private investigator will follow your spouse across the State to prove or disprove your partner's affair. A local investigator will covertly take photographs and video footage of your spouse's activities and who they meet, which can be used as proof in divorce. Contact one of our discreet Tennessee detective agencies for assistance.

Where can I find a local Tennessee private investigator near me?

You will find the most Tennessee private detectives and investigators are situated in the State's main cities and larger towns such as Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Murfreesboro, Franklin, Jackson, Johnson City and Bartlett. If you want a nearby private investigation firm in your area, these are the places to look. You can also find a licensed Tennessee private investigator listed above.

How do I hire a private investigator in Tennessee?

Before hiring an investigation company there is a number of things to check. You should list the investigation firms and detective agencies in your local area by searching the internet or getting recommendations. You want to check their services and experience in dealing with cases similar to yours, find out their costs, their professional backgrounds, etc. Once you have the information, compare the pros and cons. Start with our listed private investigators in Tennessee.

Where can I find more information on hiring private investigators in TN?

We have a number of useful articles on our website that will answer many questions about the services and practices of private investigators. If you can't find your answers then please email our listed Tennessee private detectives for help.
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